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It's my first time doing an escape room! What should I know?

Great question! Your mission specialist will have some tips and tricks for you on-site. But if you're looking for a little extra preparedness...

You will be most likely to escape if you remember two things:

  1. Communication is key. Make sure that you're sharing your thoughts out loud and telling everyone else in your group what you find, even if it seems insignificant. If it seems odd, it probably is, and someone else may have see something familiar!
  2. Look around, touch things, and move things. You'll want to spend the first 5-10 minutes just looking around the room - on top of things, inside things, behind things.

These rooms are hard. The first time you play, it's going to take you a little time to acclimate to the room. If you struggle and/or do not escape, DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! The next time you play you'll be able to hit the ground running.

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